Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule


    (Distribution of Ashes and Holy Communion)

  • 8:00 AM & 12:00 PM – St. Paul’s Main Church
  • 4:30 PM – St. Paul’s Historic Church (Religious Education and Public Invited)
  • 5:30 PM – St. Paul’s Main Church
  • 6:30 PM – St. Paul’s Historic Church (Religious Education and Public Invited)

A reminder that Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are obligatory days of fasting and abstinence for Catholics.  In addition, Fridays during Lent are obligatory days of abstinence.  The norms of fasting are obligatory from age 18 until age 59. When fasting, a person is permitted to eat one full meal, as well as two smaller meals that together are not equal to a full meal.  The norms concerning abstinence from meat are binding from age 14 onwards.  

“Lent is a time of renewal for the whole Church, for each community and  every believer. Above all it is a time of grace.”                      Pope Francis