Next weekend, September 21-22, 2024, Father Doug Grandon will be visiting our parish on behalf of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS). Fr. Doug is a FOCUS National Chaplain and a priest of the Archdiocese of Denver. He became Catholic in 2003, after serving as a Protestant missionary and pastor for 25 years. In 2008, Pope Benedict granted Fr. Doug permission to be ordained a married Catholic priest. He holds a PhD in Historical Theology. FOCUS is a national organization serving college students at more than 232 campus/locations including eight international locations, 23 parish venues and nine digital expansion campuses. More than 970 FOCUS missionaries invite college students into a relationship with Christ and His Church, while equipping them for a lifetime of Catholic evangelization. Fr. Doug is excited to be with you soon and share the hope of the New Evangelization! To learn more, please visit