

Beaches Catholic Young Adults (BCYA)

Weekly Bible studies
Monthly socials
Monthly Men’s & Woman’s meet-ups
Service Projects
Life in the Beaches community

Beaches Catholic Young Adults (BCYA) is a group of Catholic young adults in the greater Jacksonville Beach area.  We welcome anyone in their walk of life: single, married with kids, etc.  Ages 22-35.  Join our community.

Instagram: @beachescatholicyoungadults
Further contact information is in the outreach ministries section of the St. Paul’s Bulletin.

NOW is the Perfect Time to Join The Men of St. Joseph

St. Paul’s belongs to a world-wide organization of Christian men, united under the Catholic Church, who meet weekly to pray together and encourage each other to be the spiritual leaders of their families.  The purpose of the Men of St. Joseph is to instill holiness in men and facilitate spiritual leadership in family and community life.

Each week an email with an attached PDF containing prayers and readings for the coming Sunday is provided.  Men are asked to open themselves to the Gospel as they fellowship in the word of God.  Please consider joining and giving us a try for the summer.

 Meetings are currently scheduled every Thursday with two options of time:

7:45 a.m. – 8:45 a.m. in the Family Life Center Room # 107

6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center Room # 107

Please contact Deacon Chip Magner at 205-799-2172 or for more information and check out the following website for a better understanding of what this group is all about.


   For Woman’s Bible Study information, please go to

Are you interested in getting together with other women to explore your faith? Would you like to see how scripture applies to your everyday life? We invite you to join Walking with Purpose (WWP).

WWP is an apostolate that provides Catholic Bible Studies for women. These studies aim to bring women to a deeper personal relationship with Christ. Though individual study and small group discussion, the group helps to link our everyday challenges with solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. Registration: