St. Paul’s Parish
Religious Education Program
(904) 249-2660
St. Paul’s Religious Education welcomes all children to our program.
It’s never too late to begin learning about your faith.
“Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child’s earliest years…Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith.” (CCC #2226)
Faith Formation is offered for students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade. Classes meet on Wednesdays.
4:30 – 5:45 (K-5) and 6:30 – 7:45 (K-8).
Download Our Registration Form for the 2024-2025 year
Rel. Ed. Parent-Student Handbook
Wednesday, March 19
No Religious Education classes due to public school spring break.

Confirmation Mass – March 30, 5:30 PM
A Prayer for Our Confirmation Candidates:
God of all ages, you send out your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people. Look kindly on our candidates for Confirmation as they seek to hear your voice.
Send your Spirit to enlighten, guide, strengthen, console, and open their hearts as they continue to seek a closer relationship with you. Help them to truly know the deep and abiding love you have for each of them and fill them with the joy of your presence.
As our community prepares these children for Confirmation, make us an instrument of your love, teach us to reverence what is holy in others and to be patient with what we do not understand. Deepen our faith and help us to pass it on by our example. Amen.
Feast of St. Patrick—March 17th
Saint Patrick was born in England, but when he was a teenager, he was captured by Irish pirates who took him to Ireland as a slave. After six years, Saint Patrick escaped and returned to England and his family.
When Saint Patrick became a priest, he traveled back to Ireland as a missionary so that he could teach the people about God. He used examples to explain the mysteries of the faith in simple ways. One day, Saint Patrick compared the Trinity to a shamrock. He said that the shamrock has three leaves, but it is only one plant. In the same way, God is three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—but one God.
God used Saint Patrick’s kidnapping to convert the Irish people. In our lives, God uses the bad times to bring about a good we do not always see. We must be patient and trust Him.
Sacramental Preparation
NOTE: St. Paul’s follows the diocesan requirements of two full, consecutive years of faith formation prior to celebrating the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation. If you have any questions, please contact the religious education office.
Preparation for First Communion is a 2-year preparation process.
Children must participate for two full, consecutive years in a Catholic school or parish religious education program prior to receiving the sacrament.
Classroom preparation begins in 1st grade & continues through 2nd grade.
Preparation for Confirmation is a 2-year preparation process. Young people must have participated for two full, consecutive years in a Catholic school or parish religious education program prior to being confirmed in February. Preparation begins in 6th grade and continues through 8th grade.
If your child is 8 years old or older and has not been Baptized or received First Communion, and you have not already spoken with Carol Burns, please contact the Religious Education office as soon as possible.
Carol Burns
Director of Religious Education