B.E.A.M. Thrift Shop Hours – Mon.- Sat 10am – 6pm, at 318 7th Ave. N.  Hours for Donations are M-F 10-5.

Shop Hours on Tues—Sat. are 10-5 at 1110 Shetter Ave.,

Shop Hours on Tues.– Sat. are 10-5 at 1447 Mayport Road.

Monthly Food Drive for BEAM – July 1st & 2nd

A reminder that St. Paul’s monthly food drive for the Beaches Emergency Assistance Ministry Food Bank is on the first weekend of every month.  Please bring nonperishable food items and place them in the bin near the Cry Room.

Suggested items which are most needed include cereal, shampoo, canned goods,  coffee,  oatmeal,  spaghetti,  and toilet paper.

“Open your hand freely to your poor and to your needy kin in your land.”

(Deuteronomy 15:11)